Use of a Jobsite Monitor
For this solutio, a company designates one or more employees to walk the job site and monitor for compliance with COVID-19 policies and environmental protections. COVID-19 policies could include workers maintaining social distancing, using disinfectant and sanitation appropriately, such as in break areas, wearing face masks and other PPE appropriately, and helping with health screenings. They may also monitor supplies of disinfectant and hand sanitizer and availability, and location of signage. COVID-19 monitors may be more readily identified by wearing a colored vest or different colored hard hat or other different items.
Source: Alberici
Date: 09/11/20
Hands-Free Door Openers
This jobsite example demonstrates how to use equipment or install/adapt doors with hands free opener devices to eliminate the need to touch door handles. Doors may be opened using an automatic opening electrical mechanism or foot-operated device. Place signage close to the door to remind workers to use the foot operated control. Assess whether workers can operate the device without getting off-balance while carrying a large heavy load in their hands.
Source: Alberici
Date: 09/11/20